Monday, April 13, 2015

Oily Souls 2 #DetroitChopCity

I apparently hate blogging.

Anyway, last August I was graciously invited to bring my little troublehead to Brad's (Zen of Neato) little get together in Detroit--Oily Souls. Thankfully, my friend (and fellow non-blogger) John was going to go to, and was nice enough to haul the bike up. I brought a camera to document the journey, but it mostly stayed in the bag (on account of how I hate taking pictures and like just having fun).

Anyway, I could write about how much fun it was going to Detroit for the first time, or how wax on about the jerky emporium that we stopped for on the way, but I think I'll just say how much fun it was getting to see all of my friends and attach some pictures of everything that happened to let you enjoy.